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CEO's Foreword

"Education is the greatest tool for achieving economic and social mobility ".

The aim of education is not just to let learners obtain basic knowledge but to make them lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever changing global society .Our curriculum provides a platform to develop not only academic proficiency but also to develop their skills outside the classroom. Our team of qualified, confident and committed faculty members continuously monitor the student’s individual development and make them ready to take on the challenges of an ever changing world.

We encourage our children to ask as many questions as they can, for "It is in wanting to know that will result in actually getting to know".

Academic excellence with character and personality development is what we strive for at Amber International School We expect our students to attain their full potential and stride into the future not as followers but as trail blazers having the courage to be the instruments of change for good.

Mr. Shrikant Tandel
Board Result 12th Board Result 10th